Collectable Fabric
18th January 2025
Peter Lees consider a Collectable Fabric to be one that is outstanding quality and value, and cannot be repeated at the price. It’s a ‘one off’ and therefore has a rarity value. Hence the notion to buy now even if not for immediate use.Like all Retailers of fabric, whether Online or In Store - Peter Lees Fabrics are enduring significant fabric price increases which have to be passed on to customers.
Due to these ongoing increases - there’s a growing customer trend to buy a discounted short roll whilst it is available, even if it’s for a future project. The Roll Ends and Half Rolls section continues to be the most popular on the entire Peter Lees website with ‘live’ updates and regular new additions.
Branded current and YESTERYEAR™ vintage designs are sold by the fabric length using Item No’s. This allows us to discount and we ship these fabrics all over the world.
This concept of fabric sold by length rather than by the metre has also gained traction on platforms such as EBay both in the US and UK. There are sections entirely devoted to ‘Collectable Fabrics’ (‘Collectible Fabrics’ on in the US) as well as the mainstream Fabric sections.
It’s also opportunity for individuals to generate an extra income ‘sideline’. Branded Short Rolls can change hands at prices of hundreds of US Dollars or Pounds. Someone who knows fabric knows a Collectable Fabric when he or she sees it!
The price of fabric, especially UK fabric is so expensive in the US! An EBay fabric listing ‘sourced direct from the UK’ will consequently have particular appeal.
Take a look at the Peter Lees Roll Ends and Half Rolls section and you may just see the beginnings of your own fabric collection. Enjoy the journey. Buying to resell can be a great hobby and if you are a fabric lover - tremendous fun! Keep the best for yourself! 😄
US citizens may not be familiar with buying in £’s per metre but a useful broad rule of thumb is that £1.00 per metre equates to approx 1USD per yard. So it’s not as complicated as you might think.
Competitive International Shipping Charges are added at the Checkout (FREE on orders over £250.00) and we believe orders under 800USD (approx £650.00) are US CUSTOMS DUTY FREE. Please verify in your State.

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